Our primary objective is to provide personalized high quality cosmetic dental care in a compassionate and friendly environment and to provide all our patients the best dental health and the most brilliant smile we can.
Orthodontic treatment is a method of straightening out or moving teeth to improve the alignment of the teeth and just how they function. It can additionally assist in taking care of the long-term health and wellness of your teeth, periodontium, and jaw bones by spreading out the attacking stress over all your teeth.
Lots of people have crowded or uneven teeth. Orthodontic treatment will straighten the teeth or relocate them into a much better placement. It can improve their alignment making them less complicated to clean up.
Some individuals have upper front teeth that stick out and look undesirable. These ‘noticeable’ teeth are more probable to be harmed, but orthodontic treatment can move them back into line. Or the way the top and lower jaws meet (occlude) can cause teeth to look unsightly and cause an improper bite. Orthodontic treatment may be able to remedy both of these issues.
When the teeth don’t overlap/align properly, this can put stress on the muscular tissues of the jaw, causing jaw as well as joint issues and occasionally headaches. Orthodontic treatment can help you and reduce the strain.
Orthodontic treatment uses appliances to fix the position of teeth.
+91 9319341090
Simple therapy may be performed with a detachable brace (a plate that can be taken out to be cleaned). It has fragile wires which move the teeth utilizing gentle pressure.
At times teeth need to be guided more precisely than they can be using a removable brace. So a set of fixed braces is used. These are brackets and bands that are temporarily fixed onto the teeth. A versatile cable joins all the props and allows the teeth to be relocated.
It is, in some cases, possible to transform the method by which the jaws grow, utilizing a myofunctional appliance. This works by using the power of your jaw muscle mass and can assist with specific sorts of issues.
They are tough, clear plastic 'aligners' (moulds) utilized to align teeth. Set of particularly molded, slightly different aligners are created for each person. Each aligner is worn for two weeks before being replaced with the next one. They are made from clear plastic, so they are almost unnoticeable.
The aligners must be worn for 22 to 23 hours a day for best results. They can be conveniently removed for consuming, drinking, brushing, and cleaning in between your teeth.
+91 9319341090
I desperately needed to fix my hockey and whampy jawed mouth. A cloud of professionals and exhilarating doctors gathered to render their alligent services. There are no words to describe how WONDERFUL my experience with Meera Dental Care is with Dr. Annant and Dr. Saumya and their staff! Greeted with respect, dignity and a deep desire to provide the best possible care for their patients and their many, diverse needs. Fitting the rugged teeths to an individual is quite a daunting challenge to say the least ,especially ones like mine. Patience, persistents and perseverance is what it takes with each individual and Dr. Annant and Dr. Saumya and their staff come through with flying colors! Always warm and welcoming and not satisfied until their patient is happy with whatever work may have been needed! My gratitude for Dr. Annant and Dr. Saumya and her staff goes beyond the stars! There is no other dentist I would go to or recommend! When you find the best, you keep it!
Best Dental Care Center in Varanasi.
I had an amazing experience here.The doctors and staff here are amazingly trained and the facility itself is in a state of art. The doctors here are very polite and keep a very strict policy towards infection control. Also I have never visited to such a beautiful dental clinic in India 😍.
I highly recommend this place. The team was very professional examining and providing with solutions by priority. The staff is excellent and friendly.
A smile is best makeup!!!
Visit Meera Dental Care , your teeth are in safest hands ✋ of Dr Anant and Dr Saumya Gupta .
Best clinic